Late last summer, I discovered the wonderful world of adhesive business card magnets. These 3.5"x2" magnets with adhesive applied to one side sell at office supply stores at about $8 for 25, and if you have a decent colour printer (I use an Epson 740) with photo paper, then with a little time and effort, you can make professional-quality fridge magnets, right in your very own home. What fun!

So, in December, when I was trying to come up with a worthwhile Christmas-gift successor to the previous year's IMoM cards (IMoM = "International Man of Mystery"), magnets seemed an obvious choice. I began by drafting up one for myself (Agent 00BEHAVE) as a template. The design was pretty straightforward -- I wanted a sort of James Bond lobby card feel. I used the IMoM logo and the standard IMoM font (Bell Gothic Black). I used photos from my personal collection, most of which I had taken (and some of which had been used on the IMoM cards), and used entirely black and white for increased "spy-ness". Most agents got two different designs, but a few got four, since I couldn't decide which two photos of them to use.

After they were all designed, I printed all 48 files out on photo paper, cut them to exact size, stuck them on magnets, and acrylic-sprayed them for durability. Merry Christmas everyone, from Brook.

Anyways, without further ado, here are the designs (click to enlarge):